2019: Year in Review

Dublin, Ireland.

Dublin, Ireland.


1. What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before?

Not a thing.  There was not time/energy/space for something new this year.

2. Did anyone close to you die or give birth?
My Grandfathers 2nd wife passed away, but we were not close.

3. What countries did you visit?
We took the boys to Ireland!!! That was a trip a long time coming and it was awesome, once we actually got there.  We have saved and planned for years, and it was soooo worth it!

4. What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
Peace of Mind and some space. This year has been defined by culmination, sacrifice of time and turmoil.

5. What dates from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Note dates, just events. This summer was the most epic in both highs and lows (I will get to it below).

6. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I don’t feel like I have achieved anything this year.

Scratch that, I said no more and quit my job which had turned rather toxic.  I achieved freedom. 

And as I reflect I have to say that I am also proud of jumping into our countries conversation about race and trying to learn as much as I can through books, podcasts and conversations.  I took a class called Courageous Conversations: Closing the Education Gap for Children of Color.  I am proud that I have evolved to the point where noticing my racism and biases doesn’t freak me out (cause we all have them) and I can own it and try to correct it without falling into white fragility.

7. What was your biggest failure?

I somehow forgot to update Shaun and My passports (but the boys were fine).  So when I was packing 5 days before we were supposed to leave for Ireland I realized they had expired.  A little over 1K to a courier service and a bunch of fees in changed flights later we were still able to go, albeit  a few days late.

8. Did you suffer illness or injury?
An injured ego (read above), an injured heart (massive betrayal at work) and a surgery to fix my shoulder.

9. What was the best thing you bought?

We traded in the spaceship (Prius) we bought because they are not meant for driving/living in the mountains.  That and it hurt my back getting in and out of it.  So I got a Subaru Forester instead and I loves it.  I also splurged on tickets to see Riverdance in Dublin.  I cried.  Kinda a lot.

10. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Silas: Silas graduated 8th grade and is managing his freshman year so well that he is avoiding all the pitfalls most freshman experience!  And he made the High School Soccer team (although the coach is an ill fit and he decided to not play after all, which was a HUGE decision and I am proud of him).

Micah: Did excellent in track at the end of last school year and made it to the Stanford Invitational for Hurdles.  He is taking on the Japanese language like a champ, even if he struggles with online learning.

Shaun:  Shaun became a Scuba Diving Instructor AND got into a Masters program.  I am very proud of him.

11. Where did most of your money go?
Bills, then Ireland.

12. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

The art I did for school.  I painted a huge Celtic knot on my classroom floor and I did art for the School Houses that we implemented (this was in the spring, before things went sideways).  And then Ireland, of course. 

13. What was your song for this year?

Noel Nouvulet.  Been singing it since September on account of chaperoning the Chamber Choir retreat where they start learning all their Christmassey songs.  I have been humming it non-stop for 4 freaking months!

14. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

Anxiouser.  Why is spell check saying that’s not a word.  Its totally a word.  I was that word! (Note: I wrote this answer at the beginning of December.  And then I quit my Job and as soon as I made the decision to give 2 weeks’ notice the anxiousness and stress started to lift.  I did not even realize how bad it really was until a few days after I my last day at work.)

15.  Compared to this time last year, are you thinner or fatter? 

I have been floating between 167 and 173.

16. Compared to this time last year, are you richer or poorer? 

Poorer.  We saved soooo much for Ireland and although it was SUPER worth it, we are now back to square one in our savings account.  And then, with me leaving my teaching job with absolutely no idea what is going to come next we are looking at strapping down for the foreseeable future.

17 and 18. What do you wish you’d done more or less of?

I can’t dwell on what “I wish I hadn’t” this year.  It took 6 months too long to decide to leave my job.  And because of that I missed out on a few things I would have loved to be a part of with other friends who are also going through transitions.  I would be so drained from only 3 hours of work that I had no mental or emotional energy left, so I was barely present for my family and friends.  It makes me sad.

19. How did you spend Christmas? 

A dear friend came and stayed with us for the month of December!!!  It was awesome.  It started with Madrigal Dinner where Micah sang as the Jester, Silas served us dinner with his best Dobby impression, and Shaun was in tights telling the servers what to do.  It ended with Soup and Bread and a White Elephant exchange and Pekino.  My friend introduced me to the term “Chosen Family” and as I looked around on xmas eve it was very clear that it is exactly what I have.  It makes me proud.

20. What was your favorite TV program?

We have been trying to finish Naruto… but then the Mandalorian happened.  I also was forced to read a trilogy called A Discovery of Witches (forced to because it has time travel *gag* but my friend wanted me to read it and it really was good otherwise) and they are turning it into a show as well. I watched the first season and really enjoyed it.

21. What was the best book you read?

I listened to a book called Poet X and it slayed me.  The whole novel is written in poetry.  I can’t read poetry, but I can listen to it, so I did. It is one you actually MUST listen too instead of read because the Author’s accent and emphasis is an important part of the story I think.

My friend, Michelle Hazen, was picked up by a super publishing company and released Unbreak Me and it was excellent and I will shameless pimp her book out. 

22. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Billie Eilish is my girl.  I grabbed Ocean Eyes when she put it on YouTube.  I kinda forgot to check in to see if she continued making music until I saw a dance thing set to her song, You Should See Me in a Crown.  My bad.  I promptly bought all she has made so far and love it all.

23.  What Podcast captured your attention this year?

Towards the end of this year I discovered Still Processing and I luv it.

24. What did you want and get?

I got to take my children to Ireland.  I got to show them all my favorite places and explore new ones with them.  I got to see them experience multiple days of travel, what it means to be flexible and use travel manners when you are tired.  I got to see how awesome they are, and then think I helped them be that!  I got to finish the history lesson that I started 20 years ago with Shaun when we first stepped foot on my favorite place in the world.                             

25. What did you want and not get?

Nothing that I can think of.  It felt like a culminating year in many ways. And I finally got my patio.  *contented sigh*

26. What was your favorite film of this year?

Into the Spider verse.  Hands down. The artwork in Spiderverse was beyond epic/brilliant/innovative/cool. I liked Captain Marvel too but it was more the relationship between Brie Larson and S. Jackson in real life that charmed me.  I watched The Unicorn Store because of it and was delighted. 

27. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

41th – Just chilled.

28. What’s one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I should have listened to my gut and resigned when things went so completely sideways in July.  Live and learn.

29. What kept you sane?
My husband.  And two teenage boys who needed me to pay attention.  And extra depression meds.:  Escoloft for the win.

30. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
None.  It is kinda funny, with the build up to Silas graduating 8th grade, summer trip to Ireland and then shoulder surgery, then work going sideways, I had zero time for much else this year.  Very few books, movies, shows….  And zero attention paid to celebrity/public figures.

31. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019.
Check your passport every year.

32.  Was there anything that surprised you?

We got a cat.  I surprised myself by even suggesting it.  But it was for a kid who needed something to snuggle and take care of and its working.  His name is Aries God of Rawr and he is orange and white stripey and awesome.

33. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

The song would have to be incredibly complex.  I need a song that captures the culmination of years of commitment, planning, sacrifice and hard work on multiple fronts.  Shaun coached Silas’s recreation soccer team this year for the last time.  Silas has now aged out.  He has been coaching since the boys were 4 years old.  Shaun got his Scuba Instructors License, which took 5 years.  I finished 7 years of teaching art to middle school kids, which I loved and was so pivotal in my growth and finding my value outside of religion and motherhood.  We have started the process of letting the boys try adulting for themselves.  It has been the hardest year on our 21 year marriage, but has proven how solid of a foundation we have built.  What song could possibly sum up this year?  Perhaps the ending credits from Starwars: The Rise of Skywalker?

34.  What am I grateful for?

My husband

My boys


My home




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